What if we have more than one primary audience?

February 16, 2015
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Think about who reads, watches and interacts with all your content. Lots of kinds of people, right? You likely have more than one audience type that you'd like to reach.

balanced content strategy by Pybop

Consumers, investors, and partners, for example, may be your most important visitors, but consumers are most important. If the others went away, it might be difficult, but you could still potentially run the business.

Do Your Audience Types Rely on One Another?

But for some businesses, two of your audiences may rely on each other, and you simply would not be in business if you didn't have both. YouTube, for example, needs video producers just as much as it needs video watchers, and eBay needs sellers just as much as it needs buyers. (If you have more than two relying on one another, you have your hands full!)

Balance Your Content Strategy to Serve Your Audience

Be sure your content strategy is solving for all of your audiences, in the order of importance. If you have two audiences that rely on each other, then your content strategy should equally address them both. Keep checking up on yourself -- or have someone else do that for you. Some of my clients have a "favorite" audience they like to focus on, and the other one suffers. And that's like maintaining only the front half of your bicycle.

About the Author: Shelly Bowen

Shelly Bowen, content strategist

Shelly Bowen, MFA, is a content writer, content strategist, and founder of Pybop.

For decades, Shelly has written for businesses on complex topics from disease prevention and medical devices to alternative energy and leveraging data. Today, she's hyper-focused on supporting B-B technology businesses. In her spare time, she hikes, kayaks, draws, and works on her T-Bird.

A wide variety of brands rely on Shelly as an essential freelance writer and content strategy resource.

Follow Shelly on Instagram @pybop or connect on LinkedIn. More about Shelly and Pybop.

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